Identity Theft Quiz

Think you know all the ins and outs of identity theft? Test your knowledge by taking this short quiz*.

*Source for all statistics: Javelin Strategy and Research, 2016 Identity Fraud Survey Report.

Question 1 of 10

How many new victims of identity theft were there in the U.S. in 2016?

Select your answer from options below.

Correct! There were approximately 13.1 million new identity theft victims in the U.S. in 2016.


Think big. There were approximately 13.1 million new identity theft victims in the U.S. in 2016.


Question 2 of 10

On average, how often does a new person fall victim to identity theft?

Select your answer from options below.

Correct! A person falls victim to identity theft every 2 seconds.


Think fast. A new person falls victim to identity theft every 2 seconds.


Question 3 of 10

What is the most common way for an identity thief to take over your bank account?

Select your answer from options below.

Correct! While identity thieves rely on all of these methods, adding their name to your account is the most common way to take control of it.


It's a sneaky game. While identity thieves rely on all of these methods, adding their name to your account is the most common way to take control of it.


Question 4 of 10

Which is the most common way people fall victim to identity theft?

Select your answer from options below.

Correct! Although this only accounts for some occurrences.


Close, but loss or theft of wallets, checkbooks and personal documents are the most common means, although this still only accounts for 18% of all identity theft occurrences.


Question 5 of 10

Which of the following methods of identity theft often results in the largest financial loss for the victim?

Select your answer from options below.

Correct! Viruses, spyware, hacking and phishing schemes often result in the highest financial loss to the victim.


Your answer does not compute. While all forms of identity fraud have the potential to be very damaging financially, the biggest losses are often the result of computer schemes such as phishing and spyware.


Question 6 of 10

What is the average length of time a person spends trying to resolve a case of identity fraud?

Select your answer from options below.

Correct! An identity theft victim spends an average of 21 hours resolving their case. Of course, more damaging and complicated cases can take hundreds of hours to resolve.


Not this time. An identity theft victim spends an average of 21 hours resolving their case. Of course, more damaging and complicated cases can take hundreds of hours to resolve.


Question 7 of 10

True or False. A thief can pose as a bank, employer or landlord to obtain your vital stats directly from a credit bureau.

Select your answer from options below.

Correct! A skilled thief can con a credit bureau into turning your personal information over to them.


Sad but true. A skilled thief can con a credit bureau into turning your personal information over to them.


Question 8 of 10

True or False. Incidences of New Account Fraud more than doubled in 2016.

Select your answer from options below.

Correct! Incidences of New Account Fraud more than doubled in 2016.


Sad but true. Incidences of New Account Fraud more than doubled in 2016.


Question 9 of 10

Which of the three main types of identity fraud is the most prevalent?

Select your answer from options below.

Correct! Existing Card Account Fraud constitutes more than half of all identity fraud incidents. However, the monetary loss for each incident of Existing Card Account Fraud is typically only half that of the other two main types of fraud.


Actually, Existing Card Account Fraud constitutes more than half of all identity fraud incidents. However, the monetary loss for each incident of Existing Card Account Fraud is typically only half that of the other two main types of fraud.


Question 10 of 10

What is the average length of time it takes a consumer to self-detect that they are a victim of identity theft.

Select your answer from options below.

Correct! The average time it takes for consumers to detect that their identity has been compromised is 51 days. However, a thief misuses your information an average of 71 days before moving on.


Time is money. The average time it takes for consumers to detect that their identity has been compromised is 51 days. However, a thief misuses your information an average of 71 days before moving on.


You Made It!

As you can see, identity theft is a serious crime affecting millions of Americans each year. PrivacyGuard provides the preventative tools and protections you need to help protect yourself from becoming a victim. That way, you can stay safe, secure and always be in control of your identity.